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7-я Красноармейская ул.,
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Dear friends of IBZ Castle Gimborn!

The IBZ is pleased and honoured to announce a NEW WEBINAR by two high profile experts in the field of international missions. Günther Freisleben and Peter Heepen have several years of experience and will give us an overview of missions and their work in the first lecture. In the second lecture the focus will be on the individual mission participant: How to prepare, what is expected and what situation can be encountered.


Lecture I – International Police Missions – How to become a part of it.
Lecture II – International Police Missions – I have been chosen. What next?

There are still some places available for our webinar starting 2nd March 6 pm CET!

For participation please register here: Registration

Participation Fee for the whole webinar series:

IPA Members: FOR FREE!

Non IPA Members: 29 €

After each session, the participants receive a video recording of the webinar.

#ipa #BeOneOfUs #internationalpoliceassociation #servoperamikeco #ibzgimborn

Informations- und Bildungszentrum Schloss Gimborn e.V. | Schloßstraße 10 | D-51709 Marienheide
Telefon: 02264 40433-0 | Telefax: 02264 40433-69 | E-Mail: info@ibz-gimborn.de
Vereinsregister: Amtsgericht Köln VR 600529 | Steuer-Nr. 212/5828/0284 | Ust.-ID: DE122547351

Vorstand gem. § 28 BGB: Peter Newels, Polizeidirektor (D), | Martin Mönnighoff, Leitender Polizeidirektor (D) Eugène Thommes, Commissaire en Chef h.c. (L) | Hendrik Große Lefert, Polizeirat a.D. (D) – DFB Sicherheitsbeauftragter

Geschäftsführung: René Kauffmann, Direktor

Sparkasse GM-Bergneustadt | IBAN: DE08 3845 0000 0000 2918 07 | BIC: WELADED1GMB Postbank Köln | IBAN: DE65 3701 0050 0008 8015 05 | BIC: PBNKDEFF

Eine Gründung der International Police Association (IPA).

Mitglied in: Arbeitskreis Deutscher Bildungsstätten (AdB) | European Network for Training and Education (EUNET) | Gesellschaft der Europäischen Akademien | degefest – Verband der Kongress- und Seminarwirtschaft e.V.